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A sharp pain between his shoulders, followed quickly by another

He ducked, twirling the guns once again and firing off another round The creatures flew backward, screeching

Destruction fought to take over, claws springing froan to burn, as if doused with acid Shadows began to rise

All threats will die!

"Behind you!" Pandora shouted

He spun--and took a dagger across the cheek A hard push ca him across the room He slammed into a wall More disoriented than he should be Dizzy A ringing in his ears

His surroundings blurred He caught the scent of vanilla Home?

No, he hadn’t flashed unintentionally He remained in the room with Pandora, had scented Katarina on his skin

Poisoned claws, Destruction told him I’ll burn it out

Airon As he luer was shoved under both of his bands The marks cooled, the shadows thinned The dizziness returned Suddenly eight distinct voices rushed his mind with desires so sick and twisted he wasn’t sure he would ever be able to cleanse their taint

That kind of evilit wasn’t a gift, even if it saved him for a short time Even if it seemed to protect him The Sent Ones had spoken true Evil infected Evil ruined Destruction had been able to contain it, but as this proved, even Destruction had his lione quiet

The bands needed contact with his skin to work? Before Katarina, Baden would have wondered why After last night, he knew the power of a sith of the bond it created The absolute sense of connection

He slashed through the offending legs and yanked the daggers out from under the bands--Destruction roared, the other voices di--but another creature lashed out at himand anotherand another They came from every direction Anytioal always to shove ers under the bands

When Destruction went quiet, the other voices once again filled his head with those disgusting desires He fought so fervently, foam actually dripped from the corners of his s that bound him

Finally! Free! He rolled toward Pandora

If one warrior could put down ten of these creatures, tarriors could put down a hundred