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Without strength, we have nothing

She’d had so to take care of you," she whispered "And I’ive you the life you deserve"

They stopped wrestling and peered at her with adoration, as if they’d understood her words She thought theyto take care of you, too

They shared a look ofanticipation? Gravy’s head tilted to the side Biscuit nodded In unison, they closed in on her Each nuzzled one of her wrists, and when she tried to turn her hand to pet thes?!--and cho, she tried to yank free, but the two only clamped on harder At least the pain faded, replaced by a warh? She’d always eschewed drugs, but this fit her brother’s description perfectly--vertigo, a feeling of lightness, as if she could float away like a balloon, a sense of ecstasy, all right in her world Shit! What was happening to her?

The dogs released her at last, and she toppled over Her liht fire; the blaze consu She had to be dying She--

Fingers snapped in front of her face She blinked open her eyes to find out she was seated rather than prone Even , the pain had left her co dry with no hint of perspiration The only sign so had happened was the ue? No, there were no sores on it

Galen crouched in front of her, his expression concerned "Want to tellhere for at least fivezoht? "I’m fine" Her throat burned, as if she hadn’t used it for days,hints of lightness

Biscuit and Gravy were seated at her side, calined she felt their dislike for thedeter, Katarina held up her arht Her wrists were normal There was no evidence of a wound, not even a bruise She’d iined the bite?

"I’m fine," she repeated "Really" Maybe she’d fallen asleep and dreamed the bite Or hallucinated? Totally possible She was se an immortal warrior Weirder stuff happened every day "What are you doing here?"

"I fixed lunch My specialty Ham sandwiches"

Lunch? She hadn’t ry" Her sto into thousands of little knots