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"As if a legion of them would be any irlthey’d hurt her without a qualm"

William unleashed a storm of curses "Anyone touches her, and I’ll spend the rest of eternity ensuring they and everyone they love suffer unending tor She’s soordinary"

Ordinary, huh? Well She’d been called worse

"Eyes on me," William barked

"What’s so special about her?" Hades asked

Yes, Liam What’s so special abouther with you"

"I’ her with you, then You can’t be with her You can’t be with anyone You knoell as I that your happiness walks hand-in-hand with your doom"

Gillian had heard a little about William’s doom Aka, his curse The woman he loved was destined to destroy him

Did Gillian believe in curses? Yes and no She’d lived with des Supernatural things Wild things Iood luck versus bad luck? No Bad things happened because bad decisions were made End of story

If William expected the worst, he would only ever see the worst He would act accordingly, and turn the supposed curse into a self-fulfilling prophecy

Seek and you shall find


"You’ve been searching," Hades interjected "For centuries"

"My book--"