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Poor thing Katarina lost track of her, though, when she ran into Baden, as in the middle of a conversation with Torin

"She’s a liability," Torin said "She trains dogs for a living And you knohat that ht? She relies on the canines to see to her defense"

Baden rubbed the back of his neck

She almost backtracked, determined to avoid him, but curiosity held her in place Hoould he respond?

"The scars on her arms finally make sense She’s been bitten Repeatedly" He paused for a moment, nodded "If trouble coalled Not that she reprimanded him His opinion mattered less now than it had the day they’d ," Torin said "Fro his best to take out Hades’s closest allies So far, two realms in the underworld have been hit It’s only a matter of time before the bastard coe," Keeley said as she strode into the room "Mess with mine, lose yours"

Torin chuckled as he wrapped his arirl"

"No," Baden said with a shake of his head "No uy I’m-- Katarina? Do you need--"

She slipped aithout a word

A day--two? three?--later, she stumbled upon a conversation between a woman named Anya and the black-haired warrior named William

"He shouldn’t have co into the history of the bands We have to stop him before he finds outyou know"

"Your secrets" Anya rolled her eyes "Yeah, yeah But it’s not like he’ll discover the truth Hades ensured only lies are known about theht?"

"A specialty of his But you knoell as I that the truth is like the sun It always finds a way to shine"

"So what? If you try to stop Baden fro, you’ll only pique his already piqued interest--and probably learn what it’s like to be split in two Just leave him alone and let him stay here, okay He hasn’t lost his temper oing to decline Clearly he’s not laying pipe If you knohat Ihis new roomirl’s favorite color of lipstick was penis," Anya said with a shrug "But it’s not, so we deal The guys need hiht to hell and back to ensure he’s here to help You’re a man-boy so you’re as durets leaving in the first place And noith the war between your daddy and Lucifer racing to level two"

Williaiving Baden those bands Daddy Dearest should only be willing to die for me I shouldn’t have co nonsense Hades cares for no one but himself Not even you" Anya patted the top of his head "You need rest Why don’t you lie down and watch a hts off And your eyes closed And the TV off"

Katarina padded offand though she would never admit it, she searched for Baden this ti him In fact, he didn’t reappear until bedtime, and he was splattered with blood After he showered, hea word

The next day, she overheard a conversation between Maddox, the warrior possessed by Violence, and Sabin, the warrior possessed by Doubt

"How , eight But Pandora has nine Damn it!" Maddox punched a wall, which explained the many holes Katarina had found "Hades has turned the Gentleuilt-ridden assassin"

"And that’s not even the worst of it Baden says many of his points mark the death of a human possessed by--he still doesn’t knohat Hades called the creatures a gift Monsters other monsters fear"

"I’ll ask around Maybe so for iht have worn serpentine wreaths before Baden, but so far he’s had no luck"