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Hades’s days as his lord were numbered
"I’m disappointed in you," Hades said "One day you’ll learn people are never what they seehed "Wow You really are a pompous dick Let me up This position isn’t exactly coed him in the shoulder before she stood Her eyes re silently
Realization hit She was blind, but she was no innocent She ily as hell
"What would you have done if I’d put a blade to her?" Baden de for the king "I would have stopped you"
"She’s one of hters" How proud Hades sounded now
People are never what they seem
A trick Only a trick
"Await me in my chambers," Hades told her
"Yeah, yeah I know the drill"
Baden snarled at her when she passed him She sensed his ire and flipped hih the door
Were all the tasks Hades assigned him trivial? Or were they tests? What of Aleksander and the coin?
No, not a test Baden had scented zero fear from the siren, but Aleksander had projected the e
Hades wanted hi, never certain of the reason, never knoas real and as fake Perhaps so Baden would never sche or someone for himself
Well, Baden would treat every task with the utmost importance He would watch and learn He would find his momentfind a way to beat Pandora and Hades
"You’ve " He spat the title like the curse it was
"Or have I learned more about you than you were able to learn about me?" Hades smiled at him "Consider today’s lessons freebies, Red The next one will cost you dearly"