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Daood option here
The siren stiffened, quieted Her ears twitched "Who’s there?"
Now or never He flashed directly in front of her, wound his arm around her waist and, as she beat at his chest to no avail, flashed her to Hades
"I will not hurt her," Baden announced, and the girl stilled "You wanted her tongue Now you have it--attached to her body If you want to keep it, you will vow not to har sat upon the throne, the rest of the cha" Such a dry tone
"If you wanted a devoted acolyte, you should have given the bands to someone else"
"What I wanted was a et your shit together" Hades druive you oneof the underworld, shall grant his slave Baden one boon, good today only You may use it any way you see fit Freedom? A physical body?"
Baden blinked, and the siren vanished from his arms Another blink, and she reappeared draped over Hades’s lap She tre a seizure Tears welled in her eyes and spilled down her cheeks,in his chest
Hades coaze locked on Baden "I will take her tongue Unless you use your boon to stop uilt Helplessness Each bombarded him
"Think carefully," Hades said "You don’t know the criives you the right to be judge, jury and executioner?
"Release her," he said through gritted teeth "Vow never to harm her, and never to allow someone else to harm her"
Hades arched a brow "This is your boon? You’re sure?"
No No!
He canted his head in agree
"I’ll be damned," Hades said "You’re the first of my slaves to do so"
Others had worn the bands? What had happened to the had revealed more than he’d probably wished A fact Baden would use to his advantage He would find the answers--and act