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The Virgin Tiffany Reisz 4880K 2023-09-03

"You can tellyour boyfriend They can guess why"

Elle laughedabout herself

"Leaving my boyfriend Sounds so vanilla," Elle said "I was the sexual property of a sadistic Do my boyfriend’"

"You can’t tell people the truth," Kyrie said "They’ll freak out, and they won’t help us"

"You’re sure your brother will?"

"Yeah," Kyrie said "He’s a good guy Conservative But he loveshouse I knoe can stay there for a while, at least while we figure things out"

"Okay We’ll go to California I’ve alanted to swihed "You’ll need a wetsuit The water is freezing"

Elle sighed "There goes that dream"

"I’m sorry"

"It’s not your fault the ocean’s cold out there" She held Kyrie’s face in her hands and kissed her "I have other dreams Better dreao to your brother’s house, and I’ll get a job We’ll ent can sell the book"

"I’ood I love it"

"I’ll write another one And another one"

"Good I want to read theirls next time Athena and Aphrodite fall in love"

"Weren’t they sisters?"

"They can’t breed Who cares?"

Kyrie laughed, and Elle kissed her again, happy to see a s journey ahead of us I need you to be strong for me, okay? Once I leave, they won’t let o, and there’s no co back"

"I understand"