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The Virgin Tiffany Reisz 14530K 2023-09-03

Elle laughed again

"God got us into this mess," Elle said with a tired sain"

"Who’s us?" Kyrie asked

"Stop" Elle raised her hand in a warning "You’re getting nothing else out of uts And I’ive anyone ht, I out?" Kyrie asked

"I used to work at a bookstore I like being around books"

"Me, too You know my sister was a writer"

"The one who--"

"Who was murdered?" Kyrie asked "Yeah, her"

"What was her name? I’d rather call her by her naave her a strange look And then a smile

"You’re the first person who’s asked me her name after IWho was she the rest of the tih her pen name was Marian Sherwood"

"Robin Hood fan?"

"It was her favorite story, favorite "

"What did she write?"

"Romance novels The kind set in the past when everyone dressed better? What are those? The encies?"

"Those They were good, too I loved reading her books She even dedicated one to me"

"Do you have any with you?" Elle asked, desperate to read anything other than a book of Catholic theology or church history