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Melt for You JT Geissinger 20690K 2023-09-03

Michael says stiffly, "It’s a bit early for lunch, isn’t it? It’s barely past eleven o’clock"

Ca chuckle "Joellen couldn’t wait Called and asked me to come sooner"

The flush in Michael’s neck creeps up toward his ears, but, aze turns into so different Relief? No, that wouldn’t make sense But I don’t have ti

"How nice! You work so hard, Joellen You deserve to take a long lunch I’ll speak to you later this afternoon I just wanted to go over your current workload with you It can wait Gentlemen" She nods at Michael, then at Caape at her retreating back, convinced I’ve suffered a recent traumatic brain injury There’s no way that just happened

"C’ry" Cam’s voice holds an undertone of familiarity that makes Michael’s mouth take on a ruthless slant It’s an odd reaction and one I don’t like It’s the first ti but beautiful

Michael catchesat him, and the hardness in his mouth disappears as quickly as it caine the whole thing

"Have a great lunch See you later Mr McGregor"--he turns to Caenteel smile--"it was a real treat to meet you"

I hear the undertone of sarcasrin is wide and bright "I get that a lot"

Michael straightens his tie, obviously wishing it were on Cam’s neck instead of his oith the loose end knotted around a tree branch He turns and strides away

I release the breath I didn’t knoas holding "Holy hell, McGregor," I say shakily, watching Michael go "I hope you knohat you’re doing"

Cain’ war"

When I look at him, he winks "If that prissy little peacock wasn’t in love with you before, he definitely is now There’s nothin’ his kind hates ettin’ uppity and poachin’ his property"

"Don’t be ridiculous, McGregor Michael doesn’t think I’m his property"

"Aye, lass, he does The question is whether or not you’re gonna enjoy it when you find out what bein’ the property of afros it over his shoulder, and saunters away down the hall, leaving nore Shasta’s desperate hiss of, "Bitch, what the hell?" as I go

We go to a little Italian place I’ve been dying to try that’s owned by a couple who met on a blind date and fell instantly in love When we’re seated at the table, I sigh in happiness, looking around at the cozy, comfortable interior, a perfect replica of the Italian place the couple went to the night they met

I find the whole story incredibly romantic Tales of fated lovers arethe red-and-white-checkered tablecloth

"I know" He snaps a white linen napkin over his lap When I look at him in surprise, he adds, "Mrs Dinwiddle toldto get her to try est it, she looks at me as if I’ve farted in church"

"The British aren’t exactly known for being adventurous eaters"

"I’d hardly call noodles and tomato sauce adventurous"

Caot ive the Prince of Wales a run for his money in the silk-pocket-square-and-stuffiness department"