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"Oh Right" I produce a nervous little laugh "Of course you do"
His gaze drops to my mouth, and his smile fades He leans forward to kiss raze le uprips my other wrist, pulls ainstthe sensitive spot just under " He presses the softest of kisses to the pulse pounding in my throat, then releases me so abruptly I stumble back
His eyes are electric They sear the space between us so it seenite
Without a word, I turn around and run
I’ when the knock co who it is
I could pick Caor’s knock out of a police lineup of knocks Like the man himself, it’s very distinctive
He co where his dinner is, but stops dead when he sees ether "Were you on the phone with your ain?"
"I went for drinks with Michael He tried to kisson my thumbnail, and turn around and pace the other direction
Cam slowly closes the door, moves around me, and sits on the sofa But he doesn’t prop his feet up on the coffee table like usual He leans forith his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped, watching me walk There’s a tenseness in the way he holds hi to his feet His eyes are like a hawk’s
"You wanna tell , froh the shortest, strangest date in the history of dating When I’m finished, Cam is silent
"What do you think?"
He slowly leans back, spreads his hands over his thighs, and exhales a breath through his nose "I think it was s and look at hi It ell played Delay will onlyhi my face "So you didn’t want to kiss hi, which pisses arowl in annoyance, tear the elastic out of the bun in my hair, and pace back the way I ca eird Like, sudden"
Cam’s voice is dry "You’ve been lustin’ after the man for a decade, lass That’s hardly sudden"
"Sudden froo, and noe’re drinking wine at his private club the second his wife files for divorce?"
"How d’you know he never noticed you before? Did he tell you that?"
I stop and consider it "Wellno"
"He’s been ht?"
"So he wasn’t in a position to tell you if he fancied you This was his chance"
I drag h my hair, still daesting Finally I drop onto the sofa next to hi my forehead "Honestly I don’t knohat to think I acted like I was having a breakdown I was a complete wreck I probably blew it"
"Except he said he wanted to call you"
I shake my head, unconvinced and unsettled
"What kind of wine did he order?"