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Melt for You JT Geissinger 18200K 2023-09-03

Eventually, Blessica carted Mrs Dinwiddle off to bed, and I fell asleep in my blue dress, still in alloninsidewhen I touch ht pressure hurts The clock on the nightstand reads fiveI wonder if there’s an e, then the doorbell rings I swat Mr Bingley’s tail away from my face and attempt to sit up The roo

"Joellen! Are you in there? Open up!"

Oh God It’s Cao on ournausea, and pad out of the bedroom in my bare feet When the catdriven through th just to pull the door open

Cam jerks back when he sees rumble, "Mrs Dinwiddle happened to me"

"Did you lose a bet?"

"Ha Go away--your voice hurts" I try to shut the door, but Caes inside because he’s a pushy, obnoxious pain ina hand over over I’?"


"What about our workout?"

Bleary eyed, I turn around and stare at him "In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m in no condition to exercise, prancer"

He inspects ht be dangerous to allow you in public--you’ll frighten the children"

I can’t be insulted, because it’s a legitimate observation "Cat food’s on the third shelf in the pantry" Without waiting for an answer, I head to the bedroo around in the kitchen, opening and closing the pantry door,the water in the sink

"What’re you doing?" I mue of the ht He presses a cool wet cloth to my forehead "Gettin’ this shit off your face"

He starts to gently wipe theif it’s weird that I’ it

"Stop frownin’ I’m doin’ you a solid here, lass I think your poor cat is trauood intentions"

"Or she secretly hates you"

That lad to hear you don’t think it was an ioes back to work underridiculous "News alert: you need to see an optometrist I don’t normally wear makeup, but I definitely should My bare skin has caused usted "You’ve got a head full o’ bullshit, lass Your skin is beautiful"

Beautiful? No, he can’t ain He feels pity I’m so pitiful he’s forced to make up a lie to distract me from my pitifulness

His voice turns dry "Do you always freak out when so out"

"Oh, no? Then why did your entire body go stiff? And your eyes are rollin’ around under your eyelids You look like you’re gettin’ electric shock therapy" He returns to the bathroo exposed and vulnerable on the bed

No one has ever told me I have beautiful skin No one has ever told , my dentist, who always tells ht teeth, but in the sa product, so he can’t be counted