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Melt for You JT Geissinger 16820K 2023-09-03

"What?" I chew my thumbnail in anxiety

"You think you’re old?"

Utterly confused, I stare at him

"You said the sonnet you recited to him was called ‘Ode to Old Chicks’ Was that about yourself?"

Heat ascends or"

"And you think that’s old?"

"Are you screith h his hair, andunder his breath "Never le employee An almost kiss in the company kitchen The possibility of flushin’ your whole career down the toilet if your friend the wicked witch decides to report you to eonna look?"

I hesitate, considering what he’s suggesting Cam must not like my expression, because his voice comes out hard

"Don’t be na&iu problems for you at work There’s all sorts o’ ways she can ainst you Underitimacy of your hard work by sayin’ the proination, lass"

I think of Ruth in HR and how she didn’t see, of how deep Portia’s hatred for uzzle the rest ofI’d take you up on that offer to teach h nervously "That’s the least of my troubles!"

I pour myself more wine It isn’t until I’m about to lift it to my mouth that I notice Caain "Dude Seriously That’s freaky Cut it out"

"I just had a thought"

"Another one? This is a record week for you"

Calass of wine from my hand and carefully sets it on the counter Then he looks at me with shuttered eyes and an expressionless face "Maybe I’m bein’ too hard on you, lass I did offer you my help, after all"

"Yes, you did"

"So Go ahead, then"

I furrow my brow and stare up at hiley scarfing his food is the only noise in the kitchen for a ot I have to knohat I’onna be any help"

Heat spreads over s "Or don’t It’s no sweat off my back if pretty boy tries to kiss you and winds up with a face full o’ slobber"

He starts to go back to the table, but I grab his shirt "Wait!"

He slants me a look

"Umokay" I take a deep breath "But you can’t touch me"

"I see," he says drily "So it’ll just be our auras kissin’, then"

"Stop being sarcastic This is serious!"

Ca his ar it’s been since you’ve kissed sos called lips involved? I’"

"I meant with your hands!"