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Melt for You JT Geissinger 17980K 2023-09-03

"Being around you is slightly exhausting, McGregor"

"Only slightly? I’m takin’ that as a coh Weakly at first, but then I give in to the hysteria I’ve been holding back all day, brought on by usto,a fist on the table

"You see?" Ca "You’re h like that"

Wiping tears from my eyes, I try to catch my breath "You were dropped on your head a lot as a baby, weren’t you?"

"Not as a baby," he answers softly, the s frohter from the air like clay birds I stare at him―he’s suddenly serious, his jaw tense―and wonder if I’ or take it as an opening to delve into his personal life And if I want to open this particular can of wor o ahead and ask"

"Um Sheesh I don’t knohere to start" After a h childhood?"

He lifts an eyebrow "Don’t tell led you! Why would I do that?"

"Because I’or, that’s why"

I have to blink at his casual delivery, like he takes it for granted that every person who comes into contact with him rushes to the internet immediately after they round

If I thought he had a big ego before, now I think it’s positively colossal "Okay, not to be mean, but I literally had never heard of you until you "

He rolls his eyes "Don’t be daft Everyone’s heard of er"

"No, I’"

"No, you’re not"

He sits forward, dropping his casual deer at his chest "You’re saying you think Mick bloody Jagger, that grizzled old Englishet your skirt in a bunch I’er"

He leans back in his chair, crosses his arms over his chest, and looks atnoise with his tongue "You’re sadly misinformed, darlin’ I’m the most famous athlete on the planet"

"Okay, number one, rock stars are more famous than athletes, hands down And number two, you’re notridiculous "I’m way more famous than Michael Jordan!"

"Maybe in your own mind, but here in the land of the sane people, you’re definitely not"

His sigh is a big gust of air, filled with disappointh"

"On a side note to this stupid conversation, McGregor, here in the States, Lassie is a fa So when I hear you call "

He considers that for a ?"

"Oh, sweet Jesus"

"I’? A pit bull? I’ve never heard of this Lassie character You need to clue me in"

"You were kicked out of Scotland because you’re so annoying, right? Everyone got together and agreed to throw you out for the greater good of the country?"

He’s trying not to laugh, pressing his lips together "You’d know if you googled osaurus"