Page 9 (1/2)
"She toldmath classes at summer school and can’t afford to rade"
Brad ht away "In other words, she needs to keep Casey in the same school district"
Brad enerosity and fear I wanted to help Evelyn, but I wasn’t the least bit prepared to deal with a twelveyear-old Still, it would only be for a couple of nights "I don’t suppose it would hurt"
Brad nodded "Tell her to bring Casey over" He squeezedourselves into," he muttered
"So do I" I lifted the receiver to hts" Ito f ill in, but just for the lih of relief sounded over the phone "I can’t thank you enough I’ll be dropping Casey off in the next half hour"
"I’ll wait up for her," I prohten the spare roos away, too The sewing machine was out because I’d repaired Cody’s jeans earlier that evening In addition, there were plastic tubs of yarn and knitting projects I’d lost interest in for one reason or another The closet was f illed with clothes I planned to donate to charity and soured out what to do with The roo that didn’t have a f irm place in our lives
"Do you need any help?" Brad asked as I started toward the bedroo to put so machine," I explained "It’s only for a couple of days," I said again
I could already hear Margaret’s loud "I told you so" theI could do about that I refused to allow my sister’s ominous predictions to rule reed Nearly anyone would It was part of the e’d been raised, and I suspected that if Evelyn had called Margaret,When I’d f inished with the bed, I threw a robe overroo and he unlocked the front door withat Cody’s bedrooainst an intruder Brad left to deal with the dog as I let Evelyn and Casey into the house The f irst thing I noticed was how se Her backpack, hooked over one ar the dog’s collar as Chase whined eagerly, his nails scrabbling on the hardwood "Chase, sit," he said calmly, and Chase did
"Lydia and Brad, this is Casey Marshall"
The twelve-year-old refused to look at us Instead she stared down at the f loor
"Hello, Casey," Brad said "Welcome to our hoot the bed made up for you"
Casey continued to stare at the f loor
"Casey," Evelyn irl’s thin shoulders
Reluctantly Casey looked up Def iance f lashed in her cool dark eyes I wasn’t sure what I’d expected Gratitude? Appreciation? Relief ? If so, all three were sadly lacking in Casey’s expression and de," Evelyn said "She’s at Carver Middle School"
"I’ll drive her," I volunteered "It’s on my way"
Casey’s eyes darted toward Chase and softened perceptibly until she saatching her Quickly she diverted her attention, glancing around the foyer and into the living room
"I don’t need a ride, I’ll walk," Casey insisted
"Whatever you want," I said This wasn’t going well It was alirl’s life, although ereevery effort to accommodate her
"I’ll leave you now," Evelyn said She handed Brad her business card "This has my off ice number and my cell If you have any questions or problems, don’t hesitate to phone anytih we already had Evelyn’s contact inforoodbyes, I stepped forward She paused, a question in her eyes I felt out ofwith a troubled young girl? I was afraid this wasn’t going to work, but Evelyn offered reed to do this, I reminded h and so would Casey
"I’ll show you to your room," I said as soon as Evelyn left I tried not to reveal how nervous I was
Casey raised one shoulder, i that she really didn’t care She was slender for her age, with straight, badly cut hair that fell below her ears Her jeans were tattered but not fashionably and the wording on her T-shirt was long since washed out It had once been bright pink, I thought, but was now an off-white with reddish splotches here and there
I led the way down the hall "This will be your rooht on The bed washad been put in the closet or stacked on the dresser I’d brought in soers, which I’d laid on the quilt Casey looked around, then stepped into the roo Cody na to chase after hiave another one-sided shrug "They’re all right"
"Can we get you anything?" Brad asked, co to stand behind me He placed his hands on my shoulders
Casey considered his question and shook her head
"The bathroom’s at the end of the hall"
She nodded
"We’ll see you in the irl, but I didn’t knohat else to say or do Casey obviously had no interest in conversation She acted as though she couldn’t be rid of us fast enough
"Night," Brad said