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"It was years ago…" She paused "Well, to be honest, it happened shortly after we reunited" Elise shook her head fondly "That man was full of crazy ideas"
"No wonder you loved him so ret all the years asted Maverick wouldn’t let h He said we had toin our power to squeeze thirty years of life into three" The expression on her face showed both happiness and loss and was almost painful to watch
Anne Marie’s eyes filled with tears, and she stared down at her binder "What about you, Lillie?" she asked, wanting to draw attention away from Elise so the older woman could compose herself
"You first," Lillie insisted, offering Ellen soirl studied the platter carefully and chose a blueberry tart
Anne Marie sain The sheet she’d turned to had a picture of the Eiffel Tower "I want to go to Paris with someone I love"
"That’s so nice," Barbie murmured
Anne Marie didn’t mention that this was one of Robert’s promises She’d felt the lure of France, of Paris in particular, froh school days, when she’d taken two years of French Robert had spun wonderful stories of the adventures they’d have…someday It was always in the future, always around the corner Next month Next season Next year And whenever they made tentative plans, his job interfered
She tried to disht Her life was her o and if there was happiness to be found, it was up to her to seek it She couldn’t, wouldn’t, rely on anyone else ever again
Because she’d loved and supported her husband, Anne Marie had never complained Now it becae based on tomorrow--on well-intentioned promises, directed toward the future
"I believe you talked about that one before," Elise reminded her "It must be important to you"
"It is"
"What’s stopping you?"
"I don’t want to go alone"
Ever practical, Elise said, "Okay, it’s not just about seeing Paris It’s also about falling in love"
"Yes, that’s true I want to be in love again"
"I do, too," Lillie said quietly Her gaze drifted down the table to her daughter
Anne Marie was shocked to see tears glistening in Lillie’s eyes "I have Twenty Wishes but only one is i without the first"