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The Saint Tiffany Reisz 6910K 2023-09-03

"You, little girl," began Officer Haht to reirl," Officer Ferrell said as she pulled her feet into the car

Eleanor glared up at his wide, plain and arrogant face

"Don’t call irl"

Her bravado lasted until the door slammed behind her Alone in the backseat of the squad car, she started to shake The temperature had dropped Rain had soaked her clothes and hair Her skin felt cla

Once at the station the two officers pulled around to the police entrance Officer Ferrell opened the door and ordered her out As they headed toward the door, she sao figures ten yards away at theunize that shabby pink u her, her face as ith tears as Eleanor’s ith rain Behind her under a black umbrella loomed someone else Tall, stern and watchful, he followed her every step with his eyes She raised her head, not wanting hiht of her aze darted once to her handcuffed wrists beforeher eyes with the subtlest of smiles on his lips Officer Hampton ushered her inside and put her in a plastic chair

"Can I seeshot, and another starting typing on a coet you in a roo to talk to you"

"Do I need a lawyer?" she asked, having learned long ago froic powers

"You can talk to your mom about that later," Officer Hampton said as he scribbled on a clipboard She wondered if he was drawing dinosaur doodles the way his hand flew all over the page All the files and the forms and the pictures were intimidation tactics They’d asked her fifteen ti the car She knew they wanted her father and his shop, and they weren’t about to get that infor the handcuffs?" Thethe back of her plastic chair and et those off in a minute," Officer Ferrell said "Once I remember where I put the keys"

"Coers in her face "We got a room for you"