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Chapter One

As the butterflies did another lap around her stomach, Hope Callahan set her cardboard coffee cup down on the wrought-iron table, sternly telling herself to calm down Her friend Kathy would arrive any minute for their coffee date And then Hope would have to co it to Kathy wasn’t the scary part Actually going through with it—that would be the challenge

“Okay,” Kathy said as she joined Hope at the patio table “I’ announcement?”

Hope protested, “Wait aOr an announcement”

“Uh-huh You texted me and told me you wanted to meet for coffee You didn’t reschedule once, which you have to admit is unusual”

“Work,” Hope said weakly “I’m sorry my schedule is so erratic—”

“I know, I’ on” She tucked a strand of her rich brown hair behind her ear Tall and model-pretty, Kathy Hernandez always ht Instead, at five feet and not-quite-three inches, she’d beco described as spunky

Hope reached down into her purse and pulled out a glossyit to Kathy

“You’ve got an article in this one, right?” Kathy asked

“Yeah, where the sticky note is”

Kathy fought with the wind, turning the pages until she reached the le and Serious?”

Hope nodded

“As inyou’re planning to sign up with them?”

“Already done” She could feel her cheeks flushing and cursed her fair complexion She wasn’t embarrassed by her decision Just nervous Very nervous

“Wow” Kathy wrinkled her nose as she thues of the article “Are you sure about this? Astep”