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The Watcher led the that led to another cha Like the entrance chamites and concretions The pathent around these obstructions and led to a vast space with a high ceiling and a dark red floor A proe cascade of stone doe red dots on a rock pendant suspended froe panel, a nearly vertical wall that continued up to the ceiling, covered by large red dots and various signs
“How do you think these dots were made?” the Watcher asked
“I suppose a big wad of leather orsimilar could have been used,” Jonokol said
“I think the Zelandoni of the Nineteenth should look a little more closely,” the First said Ayla remembered that she had been here before and no doubt knew the answer Willauess, nor did Jondalar The Watcher held up her hand and stretched back her fingers, then held it up to a dot It was just about the same size as her palm
Jonokol peered at the large dots They were a bit blurry but he could see faint i up froht!” he said “They must have made a very thick paste of red ocher, and dipped their palms in it I don’t think I have ever seen dots made that way!”
The Watcher smiled at his a the smile made Ayla notice that the area they were in seemed to be more well lit She looked around and realized they were close to the entrance again They could have co around by way of the extensive bear sleeping roo the way she did Next to the large dots was another painting that Ayla could not decipher except for the straight line of red paint above it with a crosspiece near the top
The path led them around the blocks and concretions in the center of the room until they came to the head of a lion painted in black on the wall opposite It was the only black painting she saw Near it was a sign and soer Somewhat farther on was a series of pal the counting words There were thirteen Above the, bu
t in order to make them someone had had to climb up on a concretion, with the help of some friends or apprentices, she supposed, so they h she could not iine why
A little farther on was an alcove A lobe of rock at the entrance was coe red dots Inside the alcove were roup of dots, sos, and three horse heads, two of themites, opposite the alcove, the Watcher pointed out another sizable panel of large red dots behind some low concretions
“Is there an animal head made of red dots in the middle of those dots?” Jonokol asked
“Soe- it
Ayla tried to see an animal, but she only saw dots She did, however, see a difference “Do you think these dots were er”
“I think you are right,” the Watcher said “We think the others were es, but in order to see theo back the e came”
She began huain as she led thee drawing of the front part of a deer was painted there, probably a young ht hump on the withers While they were there, the Watcher raised the volu The chaing scales that softly har birdsongs that co the next verses of the Mother’s Song, toning down her strong contralto so that it just lent a rich, deep intense note to the singing
She was happy at first with Her one counterpart