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Ding-dong That blasted doorbell sure was getting a workout this week Tanore it Note to self: take batteries out hoever was out there had gone

She could understand Conor’s exhaustion If indeed that was all that had tipped him off his feet earlier—and the jury was still out on that Fatigue dripped off her, leaving her body barely able to drag itself around the flat There was no energy left in the tank to entertain a visitor

If Kelli had co then sorry, but she wasn’t co was out these days with a baby under her belt Not that she’d ever indulged much


If it was Conor then tonight she wasn’t able to face him and the endless questions he’d have about where she ith planning the future for her and baby Especially when he hadn’t been forthco him sideways They both had to be upfront, not just her Hell, Conor had spent the re at just about everyone who e looks that had explained absolutely nothing And reminded her not to trust him too quickly


‘Go away’

Her phone pinged Conor

I know you’re in there, Tamara


The door hit the hen she tugged it open ‘Not tonight, Conor You had your space, noant mine’

The guy just walked on in, like he hadn’t heard a word she’d said ‘Not happening’

Guess he had heard then ‘Excuse me? You think you can walk all over rowled, ‘Don’t walk away like that’ The words were strong but her voice lacked real grit Da up wasn’t as easy as she’d hoped

Conor spun back to face her, hands on hips like earlier in the day ‘I a certain you understand I will be a part of this, that I will always support you I will not be shoved away’

‘I don’t re you anywhere’ She had tried to push hi his moment in ED

‘Just so you’re fully aware After what you told me today about your ex I want you to know I stand at your side’

She’d take her time over that, assimilate more about hiht Message received loud and clear Now can you go?’

‘We have things to discuss, and I for one do not believe in putting them off’

‘Oh, really?’

Conor sed hard ‘Yes, really Delay only leads to worry andfor her to fold ‘We already left talking about the baby last night’

He had a valid point Unfortunately But she wasn’t folding Shoving her chin out, Tah But be warned, I’o to bed’ Like about now Oh, and y and trust and knohere they were headed with baby Which led right back to what Conor had said as he’d walked in

‘I hear you Not everything is going to go my way’

‘You’re onto it’ This new her, the stronger version, the less trusting type, seeirl If she had to be a ive it her all to be the best

Closing the door, she headed for the lounge and the big recliner to curl up in Coo

She didn’t ht her hands gently, shook her softly ‘Look at me, Tamara’

Then she’d be lost He’d be able to de

No, he wouldn’t Less trusting until you knowwith major decisions