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“You fucking cowards,” the voice growls— wor them”
“What the fuck?” one of the guards growls, shouldering his rifle and beginning to creep down the hallway
I pressquiet, uard ai the speaker, co closer to me each moment
My body is primed My mind is ready
“Be a weapon,” Felix toldcan stop you”
When they’ve walked so close to arettes and their whiskey, I silently slink from the shadows and walk up behind them
I take the Tasers fro them to their necks at the same time, the sound loud in the confines of the tunnel, the electric-blue lighting up so that their shadows spread like silhouetted claws
They yelp and collapse onto their fronts, and then I work quickly, taking the syringes fro them in the throat
I drag their bodies deeper into the tunnel, stowing them in the darkness
They’ll wake in a few hours with groggy heads and no clue how they got there, and I’ll be long gone
I turn off the speakers and take the guards’ ring of keys, and then head to the service elevator that will lead to the mansion
One last job
I think of Sparky, hopefully, curled up in the nook I made for him in the motel room, safe under hislot isn’t too distracting for hi one time when I had to leave him and so, his mess streaked all over the carpet
“One last job, boy,” I whisper, and then push it all from my mind
I use the key to unlock the elevator and step inside, pressing the button that will take un at the doors as they close and the elevator starts to rise with a judder The elevator was built after the estate, a clumsy job so that it rises in fits and starts
Hacking Dobry’s communications told me all I needed to know, and soon the doors will open onto what, from the outside, looks like a supply closet
But still, I need to be cautious
Thankfully, the doors open onto the inner darkness of tooden doors, not the barrel of a gun I poke the the ostentatious finery of the carpets and the wall hangings and all the rest of it
I un aih theus