page46 (1/2)

Devil shook his head “No Like I told you, I have so to show you—or rather so to coood, home-cooked meal”

“So you’re staying for dinner?”

“I’er than that”

“You’re assuo back to work today I do have cases to solve that don’t involve you, you know”

“Give s about my world”

“That sounds like so I should say no to”

Devil shook his head “I proal” He paused and gave ht not be”

I rolled my eyes

“I’m into some kinky-ass shit”

“I’ve noticed”

“And enjoyed it”

“True And I’m sure I’ll enjoy whatever depravity you have planned for ht”

His wicked grin made me shiver “Be prepared to not be able to walk tomorrow”

I needed to think about so else if eren’t about to fuck “You know you didn’t have to bring me dinner”

“I wanted to”

“Thank you”

The sance It was soft and gentle, and it made my heart flutter

Half an hour later, ere in Weston Devil turned his car into a long driveway that led to an enorht as well have been a fairy-tale castle with unicorns grazing on the lawn If anyone doubted hoell crime paid, all they’d need to do was look at this place

“This is your family’s house, isn’t it?”

Devil grinned “I’m surprised you haven’t already been out here to check it out yourself”

“I considered it” I’d wondered what Marchesi secrets I could learn poking around this place Would I have gained h? That had seemed so important after he’d killed Murphy and leftNow, instead of thinking of ways to keep hi et closer to him so he could destroy me with seduction and softness

“How seriously did you stalk hts

“It’s not stalking It’s called investigating I’h I know you’d like et that”

“Fuck no, I don’t want you to forget it Where’s the thrill in that? Fucking a cop, holding hi hot”