page71 (1/2)

Suy Vi Keeland, , RS Grey 12830K 2023-09-02

Hto adjust to the big city Maybe he alreadyon the don-bound subhen he needed to go uptown, and having to get off again to switch tracks

We’re both rookies, I guess This idea calure the city out, right? And I’ll learn enough to be useful at ht now I feel lucky, but I’le

There’s a headshot in the Tankiewicz folder, too I pull it out of its envelope, because a girl has to be able to ht?

And…jeez This reen-eyed stare Thick hair Long eyelashes Wowzers Wednesday’s dinner just became a whole lot more scenic Happy Birthday toforward to the occasion I’lass of wine, and it won’t even be against the law

Mr Kassman asked me to meet him at Sparks at seven o’clock I’h What to do with those extra two hours?

These are hts as I carefully punch a fax number into the machine Then I hit the SEND button and listen to the phone dial the nue of the docuh the scanner

That’s when I happen to glance down at the other contract I’ And I notice that the phone number on that contract matches the number I just dialed

It takes a moment for all my synapses to catch up Two professional athletes can’t have the same number So that means the contract on the scanner is about to be sent to the wrong guy

Holy shit!

I grab the rees off the tray and then slap the CANCEL button But the paper is still slowly rab it, the ress, but it doesn’t let go, either

So, dropping all the papers in my hands, I reach over, pinch the connector of the data cable, and yank it out of the wall The machine makes an unhappy sound and the word ERROR flashes on the display

“Good lord That was alasp

“What was?” asks a clipped voice

I whirl around and find Jane Pines—the only feent who askedat me