page68 (1/2)

Suy Vi Keeland, , RS Grey 14990K 2023-09-02

We’re lost to each other again in that bathroom, and then in his bed

We don’t ht

On the door of the villa hangs a sign: Do not disturb

And no one doesI WAKE THE next s

That’s never happened to me before I’ve never had sex so many times I’m physically exhausted from it

I s my eyes open

Noah sits in a chair by the terrace , sipping coffee

He has his laptop open, and he’s scrolling down, reading so

I think I’ him like this, but apparently not

“Goodplayfully at me

I s”

“Are you hungry?”


“If you can et out of bed, we can walk down to the restaurant I forgot to leave our breakfast order on the door last night, and I’ry to wait for room service to arrive”

Reluctantly, I sit up, realizing a moment too late that I’m completely naked I yank the sheet up to cover ets an eyeful

He cocks a brow and shakes his head, not saying a word

I laugh and do the classic—and frankly, ingenious—a so I can hobble out of his bedroom and dash across the villa tomy hair into a braid underneath a white sun hat

Noah waits for ether too handsohtly unbuttoned shirt

I’ic froht has worn off now that we’ve had an hour apart He senses ainst him so he can drop a kiss to my lips

“Together, Lindsey We’re together”

“Are we?”

“Here and back hoh mine as we leave the villa and head toward the restaurant

“What will your sister say?”

“I don’t know Let’s call her at breakfast”

My jaw drops “Are you serious!? She’ll be able to tell so for twenty-four hours”

He laughs “That’s sort of the point I want them to know about us”