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Cal shook his head and a weary expression crossed his face,him look far older than his years “Dad was an asshole to all of us You just didn’t see much past Wes Dad was disappointed in h to run the coh Upset with Angie because she wasn’t pretty enough, even though she’s beautiful and alas There are bullies at every school, and we all dealt with them Do you knoasn’t a bully? Seraphina Guidry She was kind to Wes She liked hi around her because he was trying to wear her down”

“She stayed close to hiued

“Then why the hell would she send hiument never made a lick of sense to me”

“I’ve alondered if he found out she was pregnant by another ht about this far too much “By her married lover, and that hat did it That hat made him run away”

“We’ll never know,” Angie said “But what I do know is if Harry is determined to date Sera, he’ll do it and he won’t back down If you ask him to choose, you won’t like his choice”

“Well, I would think he’d choose his aunt,” she replied “I’m the one who took care of him”

“You wrote a couple of checks and went to visit him,” Cal pointed out “It’s not the same, and I assure you Seraphina won’t ask him to make a choice If I know her at all, she’s already tried to tell Harry it won’t work and she won’t come between him and his family”

“That’s just a irl hadn’t even learned froain “She’s trying to put herself in the better position, to uy”

“You are the bad guy” Cal strode to the hall and picked up his u to drive Harry away Hell, I think one of these days you’re going to drive h for you, Momma”

“That’s not true”

He pointed a finger her way “Only because my last name is Beaumont And if you want to knohy you don’t think anyone ever bullied h to tell you He would have blamed me, and you would have backed him up because you saved every bit of your influence for Wes”

Her heart threatened to break “Cal Oh, Calvin, sweetie, I love you”

“As much as you can love anyone,” he said with a bitter shake of his head “I’et drunk off ht”