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Shep sied that tail of his

Sera had a better idea, an idea that did not involve her being seen with Harry anywhere close to his aunt’s house She had no illusions that the staff wouldn’t report to Celeste that Sera had been in the truck when Harry dropped Shep off “My place is closer It’s on the way out of town Mya friend for the day, and I know Luc would love it He’s good around dogs He won’t try to cli”

The softest expression came over his face “You want me to meet your kid?”

“Well, I don’t know that we’ll have a lot of tiain Maybe it wasn’t such a great idea HerHerbrother about it when there wasn’t anything to really protect her from since they were only friends

Of course, she had a baby with her last male friend, so there was that

“Maybe we should think about this”

He shook his head “You think way too much It’s my place or your place We need to hit the road or it’ll be late before we get back”

“There’s a stor in,” Jerry warned

“It’s only rain, Daddy,” LaTonya argued “The weatherman said there was only a fifty-fifty chance”

“It’s coht elbow “I feel it in ree from a university Like I said, you kids these days depend far too y”

He walked away gru over the world

LaTonya shook her head “Don’t listen to hiht about the weather That elbow of his should be granted a degree in e into town floods this time of year You two be safe”

Sera had toor having to explain to her fa Harry Jefferys?

The lunches they’d had while they orking were not dates Talking to hiht because she had a question about the best tile to order wasn’t a date, even though it ended up with her talking to hi froenuinely afraid of birds They were rats ings, and they attacked from above

Not dates Not at all