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“It’s allass of white wine in front of Lila “They figured you were interested in Remy, so you wouldn’t reject them”
“Reject the to recruit these people as patients She was the one facing rejection Tons and tons of rejection “I need them”
Zep set down Lisa’s beer “I don’t know if you are aware, but this is s the h to enjoy the food and the bayou, and they often gawk at us like we’re some sort of freak show Not me, of course The tourists mostly view me as a lovely souvenir experience The women, that is But it’s not the same for my fellow Papillon residents”
“There are a few stereotypes associated with the bayou and seneral,” Lisa admitted “Of course, they have their own stereotypes about people fro city Most of which you reinforce”
“What?” She thought about it for a second She’d been a trailer park kid She’d had every stereotype possible thrown her way Maybe in the last few years she had gotten a bit snobby It wasn’t that she’dherself from that time when she’d felt small Did she want to ht be fair Is it the shoes? Because I ht have overestimated my love for them”
They hurt She’d thought that since it was her first full day in her own clinic, she should look the part She owned the place She was in charge Those Louboutins showed the world that she was the boss
They showed the world that she wasn’t some trailer park reject with a ernails
But if she’d been back in Dallas in the ER, she wouldn’t have thought twice about what to wear She would have shoved on scrubs and her coone to work She wouldn’t have spent an hour in front of theher makeup as close to perfect as she could in case the sheriff showed up It wasn’t that she wanted to look nice for hi to look nice because they’d started on the wrong foot and he needed to understand that she was a professional That’s what she’d told herself Then her inner voice had mocked the hell out of her
“Oh, we have soner wear around here,” Lisa corrected “The mayor of the town has a serious addiction to Chanel But she also wears boots when the tiht, and not over-the-knee boots with five-inch heels I’ serious work boots”
“Sylvie ood, if you knohat I mean” Zep didn’t seem to mind that he had a bunch of tables to work “You know, if you want soo to her et their hair did”
“And to get love potions,” Lisa added with a grin
Her sister shrugged “Marcelle is also the local hoodoo priestess It’s not as bad as it sounds Sos are beautiful Oh, there’s an idea Miss Marcelle could come bless your house”