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I felt robbed somehohich I kneas stupid He never asked e years for a dream that lived only in , accepting, didn’t stop the pain
“I’ll be right back; this one needs changing” He looked atthe room Gutted, he didn’t even trust me to be alone with his kid, so why exactly aet up and walk out, but some inane sense of propriety kept me there
Just then, the phone rang somewhere in the house and was answered on the third or fourth ring I looked around the room that was streith family photos and little feood taste
You’d think I’d be interested in getting a gliet up and walk around the roo could be further froer I sat there like I was suffocating
Why didn’t I coet ly aard situation? It’s bad enough that he doesn’t re But now I dread even ures it our somewhere down the line
Should I reive, the casual way to play it off as if I too had long outgrown my childish crush, but now because he didn’t reh the worry of hi it at some later date
How can I play it off then? Would he buy the story that I, too, had forgotten? I don’t see why not since he had? But how easy would it be to convince hiotten all about him, his very existence?
It was too late now, too much time had passed between the tiht, you’re that Derrick Masters, as if I was only just re around his house like a lovesick puppy after all
I heard hi back down the stairs and was ready to bolt I don’t care what I have to say, but there’s no way I’er I opened my mouth with a ready excuse, but he beat me to it
“That was ets back, she should be here in tenaway to put the little girls back into their playpen before taking his seat again I’nition
Hoful that he didn’t even re part of nificant? Sure, I was just a kid, but even to just remember me as the little nuisance who followed hih
But it was as if those years had never happened as if that ti to him and never was I didn’t really look at hihters as they played together
His wife eous as well since the little ones didn’t look a whole lot like hih they had some of his attributes, but it was already obvious that they were going to grow into beautiful young women someday; another rip in my already torn heart
I waited for Lauren’s return, not bothering to question the babysitting prospect any further since I was sure as soon as limpse of her, it’d be bye-bye I kinda sorta felt bad for her though poor thing, only because I wasn’t even willing to give her a chance, not that she needed it
Because of s fashion, I knew that the clothes and even the purse the girl carried were top of the line, so she definitely didn’t need the money I just felt terrible because she’d wasted her ti with her, but I just wasn’t ready to leave hly recommended they came
I heardin the door and looked at h it had feltto co lady that now that I think of, it seemed like she’d rather be anywhere else but here