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Chapter One

There was nothing better than opening s I liked more, but irl, in desperate need of my services And another hundred bucks in my pocket Sweet!

To: Hook-up Doctor [email protected] >

From: PA Rocks [email protected]>

Subject: Boy help?

Dear Mr Hook-up Doctor,

I snorted Mr Hook-up Doctor? That was a first I’d been at this for six

I kind of liked it

Maybe I’d start using it froit Like I was one of those guys in a suit, sitting in a high-rise office in so city instead of a broke, seventeen year-old with no wheels I could definitely get used to that fantasy

Except…I’h-rise office though I could hatever the hell I wanted I was thinking jeans and t-shirts as the required uniform Oh, and Vans Have to have the Vans

I twisted the ring in ure that crap out later My fundage was running low, and an email to my Hook-up Doctor account meant possible et the picture

Mr Hook-up Doctor,

Uht it would be I’irls who need your help though Well, not that I know any girls who have coirl who usually does so, aren’t I?

“No, shit What was your first clue?” I groaned

Okay, sorry I’uy I’m the sensible one I don’t need someone to help , and well, I guess it’s obvious I need help since I’ to say is, I’uy asn’t into her the tiain Sorry

I don’t really knohat kind of information you need, so yeah, I’ll end this painful euy, well, he’s kind of out of ood for irl likeisn’t really too forthco on information, you know

Hope to hear from you soon!

PA Rocks (This whole process is confidential, right?)

Shaking my head, I leaned back ina dart out of the arm of my chair, I tossed it at the dartboard on my wall

See? This was a classic exauys they want We don’t like that wishy-washy back and forth crap Girls need to decide who they are: either the strong, confident chick who puts us on our ass and still irl next door ant to either corrupt, or bring home to our parents A toss-up

Or, there were those girls in between When I say in between, I don’t mean they’re all over the place like PA, but they’re not the irls or the completely innocent ones either They knoho they are They’re confident in a more quiet way They’re subtle, not pushy like Black Widow Girl or too standoffish like Little Miss Innocent, they’re…cool

Unfortunately, you don’t run into the latter girl too often And honestly, when guys do, a lot of the time we don’t notice her Sucks, but true

I threw another dart at the board My finger lingered over themyself think too much about it, I hit reply

Miss PA,

I usually don’t do this, but I’ive you a small piece of free advice Then, we can talk details and see if you want to go through with this I can tell you right nohy you don’t have the guy you want Make up your mind about who you are Half the email you were all, I-am-woman-hear-me-roar And the rest of the time, you were the unsure chick who stu the dances We’re guys Half the tis become a lot easier if we knoho you are

I can hear you now, and before you go all She-Woman on me, let me tell you, I know it’s a double standard I will fully adoes on You know, the whole “life’s not fair” thing Nothing we can do about it I didn’t make the rules, I just know them

That advice was free I usually don’t do that (a guy has tocosts

Anyway, yes, this is confidential I don’t want anyone knoho I a)