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Soh her stomach
It wasn’t right that she had this kind of power All she wanted was to do her job She didn’t want to have to sift through her confusing feelings for Zach And she sure didn’t want to have to analyze the circumstances and decide if they were fair
They weren’t But then neither was the alternative
“Get in the car, Kaitlin,” he told her “We need to get this signed and settled”
She couldn’t help but note the strea Even as they dashed down the rainy steps,into his car in full view of a dozen coworkers was out of the question
She leaned slightly closer,her voice “Pick me up on Grove, past the bus stop”
He gave a subtle but unmistakable eye roll “You don’t think that’s a bit cloak-and-dagger?”
“I’ to blend,” she reminded hi halt if people had any inkling that she had soe over Zach
“You’ll get soaked,” he warned her
A little water was the least of her worries
Well, except for what it would do to her shoes They’d been on sale, her only pair of Strantas She loved what they did for her legs, and they looked great with anything black
She braced herself,a path around the worst of the scattered puddles
“Have a nice evening, Mr Harper,” she called loud enough for passersby to hear as she trotted down the stairs
Shewith the croard the traffic light at the corner When it turned green, she paced across the street, avoiding nule of water flowing against the opposite curb
On the other side, she negotiated her way to the edge of the sidewalk, raking her wet hair back fro it behind her ears She swiped a few raindrops fro the speed dial as she hustled toward the bus stop shelter
“Kaitlin?” came Lindsay’s breathless voice
“What are you doing?”
“Riding the bike”
Kaitlin pictured Lindsay on the stationary bike cra to be late for dinner”
“What’s going on?” Lindsay huffed
As she wove her way through the wet crowd, Kaitlin lowered her voice toblack car with Zach Harper”
“Better send me the license plate number”
Kaitlin cracked a grin, comforted by Lindsay’s familiar sense of hu, they were alth “I’ll text it to you”
A deep, classic-rock bass resonated in the background A fixture whenever Lindsay exercised “Why are you getting in his car?”
“He wants ”
“Better let me read it first”
“I will if it looks complicated,” Kaitlin promised “He says it’s to reconfir Zach said In fact, thus far, she trusted exactly nothing of what Zach said
“It could be a trick,” Lindsay warned
Kaitlin grinned into the phone “There is yet another reason I love you”
“I’ve got your back Seriously, Katie, if you see the words irreconcilable or absolute I want you to run the other way”
“Will do” Kaitlin caught sight of the black car “Oops There he is Gotta go”
“Call me when you’re done I want details And dinner” There was a gasp in Lindsay’s voice “I definitely still want dinner”
“I’ll call,” Kaitlin agreed, folding her phone and tucking it into the pocket of her purse as Zach swung open the back door of his car and hopped out onto the sidewalk next to her
He flipped up the collar of his gray overcoat and gestured her inside She gathered her oet coat around her and ducked to climb in
“Lunatic,” he muttered under his breath
“Lucky for you we’re not having children,” she said over her shoulder as she settled into the seat