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His research had been thorough The Night peddled Minnesota Thirteen whiskey Initially a hoht after than the real stuff brought down from Canada, which is why Bodine wanted in There was less overhead and more money to be made

As Nightingale had said last night, Norma Rose ran the resort All the renovations were probably her idea She may not even know the base of her father’s business Except Ty didn’t believe that He suspected Norma Rose knew every last detail about her father’s business

Women were swayed by money as easily as men, and from the looks of her wardrobe, Norma Rose liked money

Ty was alale appeared on the trail leading through the pine trees


“Good ,” Ty responded

“Sleep well?”

“Very You?”

Ty alale clearly knew Ty suspected he’d been up half the night checking him out It didn’t bother hiinning, the better off they would both be

“I always do,” the man answered

As they walked toward Dave’s cabin together, Ty asked, “Do you have a list for me?”

Nightingale handed over a slip of paper “You’ll need to talk to Rosie, she ive you a place to start”

Norma Rose was exactly who Ty wanted to talk to, but he had a few things to investigate before then “I’ll talk with Dave first,” Ty answered, pausing before opening the cabin door “If he’s up to it this ”

Roger gestured for Ty to open the door “If he isn’t, we’ll wait until he is”

Dave wasn’t awake, but Gloria Kasper was The doctor was in her e—not last night in her night clothes, or thisdressed in a fashionable blue dress co headband—she was for she wrote out prescriptions for alcohol and birth control Two things not easily accepted for a wo

“It ood poisoning, all right,” Gloria said as Ty closed the door “That govern folks But we do, and that’s exactly what they’re doing, still trying their hardest toher rant she’d set two s on the table and filled them from the coffeepot on the s people with their tainted whiskey, people will stop drinking The idea is as ludicrous as al They’ll see sooner or later, mark my word We ousted Andrew Volstead and we can oust the rest of them”

Ty er Andrew Volstead, who the act had been named after, had lost his US Representative seat in 1922 Froed his constituency and had received nu his seat The latest ru fast Word was spreading that the government had hired teams of chemists and planted thee still operations that fulfilled the public’s need for intoxicating beverages Ty couldn’t say he believed in the conspiracy, but his supervisor had warned hiions out east

Onein popularity Narown in the area, the breas considered safe and pure Stearns County, where the vast majority was produced, was just a hundred miles northwest of White Bear Lake and known as the best ent knew that, and Ty had used that tidbit of inforale he was on the tail of a snitch, so to maneuver his way into the booze trade It was true, that hat Bodine was doing, but Ty wasn’t a private eye hired by a New York gangster to discover who the snitch was, as he’d told Nightingale Of course, he’d had enough inside inforale to believe his story His question was if Norht prove to be the hardest one to crack

The other piece, which, in his ale, was how he’d known about the Bald Eagle Lake area Although it had no shipping yards, it had its own depot, with not just north and south trains like White Bear Lake, but trains traveling east and west, too Freight trains that stopped regularly, yet not a single railroad ado out of the area

This area was a bootlegger’s dream A hub that Ty had practically stumbled upon and hadn’t told anyone about Not even his supervisor He’d si down Bodine

“How’s Dave doing?” Roger asked, ignoring Gloria’s continued rant, which had gone froain they could quit taxing poor folks to death to how President Coolidge, in her opinion, was little more than a teetotaler

Ty had never e had proposed to cut the Prohibition bureau’s budget The treasury secretary, as also the chief Prohibition enforce the idea Andrew Mellon loathed Prohibition and put no extra efforts in its enforceet that barely paid for gas in his Model T, Ty needed this opportunity with the Nightingales ood portion of his own funds— down Bodine

As he watched Gloria Kasper top all three cups with a bump from a brandy bottle, Ty decided if he was near when either the president or Mellon e them to offer her a toast—with alcohol He’d seen the way she’d jabbed a tube down Dave’s throat last night to wash his sto soda Reht now, he had to wonder if Dave would ever be able to talk again