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She wasn’t sure the fact her se and for a part-tiister with the billionaire businessh
“I a such a sturdy concern” No surprise at her success or ed his voice
She found herself s with pleasure at his approval “Thank you I don’t want to lose it”
“I would not ask you to”
But he had Well, as good as
“I have found an artist with a business degree ill run it for you Her husband was forced into early retirement and she is keen for the opportunity The fact you have an apartallery is of particular note, as they are days from eviction”
He offered this with the attitude of a man who had done his best to stack the deck and was pleased with his own efforts
She had to admit she was impressed
Both by his acumen and his unshakable confidence
The fact he’d found yet another screw to put to her conscience in the for homelessness was barely a blip on her radar Not in the face of the unavoidable truth that he had planned all of this on the assumption that not only would she come to him, but that she would accept his terms for the business rescue
“You really are a master manipulator”
He seemed pleased by the questionable compliment “I prefer to think of ency”
“What would have happened to that couple if I had refused your ter with sheer awe at his deteret his way
“We’ll never have to kno”
“Tell me you would have helped them somehow”
“You are the bleeding heart, not me”
“No No one would accuse you of having a bleeding heart” But it would have helped hers if he’d ad one at all
Hadn’t they covered everything? They’d be having sex for the foreseeable future, without birth control, in the hopes of her getting pregnant
And he would save hundreds of jobs and thereby the people connected to thee “What?”
“Will you join ?”
She discovered she wanted to say yes, but knew she couldn’t