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“The pajale “Well, not at the moment, obviously”
He snickered, pushing the bottoers between ed The cotton buckled and tore, landing in a frayed heap next to my pajamas
“What do you have againstthe loss of yet another pair
He sainstflesh “Well, I think that should have been fairly obvious”
I was still laughing when he slipped insidethe headboard as he trailed kisses down hter I held on, until I ripped the wood spokes out of the fraasped, horrified at what I’d done to a faasped, lost in the waves of sensation that threatened to drag me under
When I came to, I still had the hunks of wood clutched in uilty
“We made it to a bed,” he offered meekly
“And then we destroyed it,” I moaned “But it orth it”
He pulledme close
“It’s kind of weird to see Mr Big Bad Va all cuddly” I chuckled “It kind of destroys your mystique”
“I haven’t had a lot of good, soft things in ainst my forehead “Not sincethat pull to you, it’s that goodness, that softness and warth in you, that I love Being turned hasn’t taken that fron the perfect mate for headed stubbornness and your te self-preservation—”
“Stop describing me, please”
“You’re the , adorable creature I’ve evermy hair out oflike a lunatic, it’s just that part of me is still very afraid that I’ll lose that—that I’ll lose you I love you”
“That’s such a nor to say I’m so proud and yet a little freaked out”
“Stop joking and listen toserious”