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The first thing I noticed about him wasn’t his size, which like Martel is a bit freakish As well, it wasn’t his eyes, the cut angles of his face but it was this softness he had with Linnie The desperate concern for her that seeped out of him told me he wasn’t what I’d conjured as I drove

Still, he was breathtaking, and I’ve never felt that sudden onslaught of feelings with any e foyer, he deht, he is a lot like Martel in size and looks, minus Martel’s mountain-man beard

The thick brow and deep-set gray eyes worked alongside a nose that wouldn’t be described as perky, but it fit the square strength of his face and made him beautiful in a hard, dominant sort of way

But, when I look around, the excess everywhere only makes it clearer the differences between our worlds The knot in my stomach is more acute as I look at the chandelier in the main entryway as I walk down the hallway toward the curved center staircase

The chandelier is as big as a Volkswagen and I ot to be close to be easily a h for me to live my whole life comfortably as well as take care of Lydia and pay for rad school

Haves and have-nots Sneetches with stars on their bellies and Sneetches with none Everything changes and everything stays the same

My phone chi the otherworldly feeling of being in this place

My stoe

Popcorn: Your weekly rent is due and it’s now 250 Needs to be here tomorrow or your off the schedule for another week

He’s such an asshole The her he raises my ‘rent’ Most people don’t kno the business actually works, but the usual set up, unless you are so, is you have to ‘rent’ your shift at the club You pay the owner for the privilege of using their club Your only earnings co directly

When he raised inal deal I hed and pointed to the door I was teht since he took over, but Lydia begs er

Until we ‘get caught up’

I know he’s pissed because I took time off I needed a break and I half expected hiressive route

Big surprise

I get to the kitchen andme my rent is now a thousand dollars and he wants it there within the hour But when I look at e her back about when I would be home