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No condom Gray looked up into Lori's horror-struck eyes
How could he have been so reckless? He even carried one in his wallet that he'd bought after his and Lori's near o Other than that brief, almost encounter with her, he had never lost control Never He thrived on control and structure, one of the aspects he liked and needed most in his job
An hour with Lori had hiht of that, and it scared the hell out of him
She drew her knees to her chest, her dress shrouding her legs "So much for our talk"
He stared at Lori, a normal occurrence for him, and couldn't help but notice how totally alone she looked How strange, since he usually thought of her as so co
Theher face, she flipped her whiskey-brown hair over her shoulder Her dress flowed around her gentle curves without a wrinkle to hint at the wild abandon she'd indulged in only moments before Lori rarely lost her cool Except for those s had been wrapped around his waist and—
Don't go there, pal He zipped his pants and reain There could be very real—tiny, living consequences from their slip
He knew she could succeed no ht her way But she da his child "I'll ht Whatever happens, I don't walk out on my responsibilities"
"Be still my heart" Sarcas the branches overhead
"Lori, daht air wrapped around hiht He forced hi"
"Sorry I know that was difficult for you"
He listened forbut determination
Tread warily, pal Land et anywhere with her now and could too easily s worse "Let's save this talk for later Better to wait rather than to say things we'll both regret only to find out we never needed to say them at all"
"Of course Why even consider nant?"
A reasonable stance Why then did her every word stab at him as if he'd fallen short of the mark?