page12 (1/2)

And then the line clicks off

Christ I sigh and stare down at the whiskey glasses sitting on the cart for a few seconds and then pick one up and throw a big gulp back It burns as it trails down my throat, but it doesn’t matter I hate complications I hate the unexpected And I really hate the idea that when I get back to the office, I’ crazy shit to get my attention or face the incredibly unco the situation to HR

Both are the absolute last things I want to be doing, and frankly, I don’t have time for either of theabout it

I slide ulp I just took out of lass, and then pick up both tu room

When I reachbeen eavesdropping on lass of whiskey and sit down beside him

“What was that all about?” he asks, taking a sip of the amber liquid

“Nothing,” I respond and run a hand through my hair

“It didn’t sound like nothing It sounded like there was a woman on the other end of that call as DTF”

I cringe “Do me a favor, Dad Don’t say DTF Like, ever Just don’t say it”

He shrugs, chuckles, and reaches out to shake hten up Live a little, ya know? You’re a good-looking guy with great prospects Don’t let o to waste”

He doesn’t get it He never does I don’t want to be so Casanova I’ve built an ioing to throw it all away for a teood at it I can live a little outside of the office”

He s a sip of whiskey, and the pounding tension in the back oftome “I love ya, Ry,” he adds then with a smile, and I do the same back

“Love you too, Dad And I appreciate youran effort to understand”

He guffaws then, and ether “I don’t understand, buddy Not at all You’re too fucking uptight Too by the book And I think if you’re not careful, it’s gonna end up killing you young—or at the very least, robbing you of true happiness But I know you are the way you are, just like I am the way I aing the other Aht?”

I nod “On that, we can certainly agree”

“So, just so I’et any D from ya?”