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I furrow my brow at the incredibly random request “Your insurance card?” I question “Why would I have that?”

“I just forgot mine, and they need it and—”

“Wait… Who needs it?”

“The…uh…workers The staff”

I scrunch up ley” cut through the background noise on her end of the line, o wide “Mom, where are you?”

“I’ some milk, you know”

“There is no way the lady at the checkout line is asking for your insurance card,” I refute “Stella Page, tell ht now”

“Fine,” she sighs, like I’ her “I’ood”

“The hospital? My goodness, Mom, way to bury the lede!”

“Carly, calm down”

“I’ heart rate sits soht above dead, so I’m sure my body can handle it if my blood pressure escalates a little bit Nohy are you at the hospital?”

Her sigh is deep and long “Well, sweetie, I had a little bit of a mishap, but I’m fi—”

“Don’t tell me it’s fine,” I cut her off “Tell me what happened”

“I had a little bit of a…uh…fall,” she eventually answers “Yeah A fall No big deal Just fractured my tailbone a teensy bit”

“Oh my God, you fractured your tailbone?”


I shouldn’t be s me you literally broke your butt?”

She laughs “Carly”

“What? I’…pretty funny, is all”

“Oh yeah It’s hilarious”

I gri about and she’s at the freaking hospital But come on, a broken ass is probably one of the funniest injuries out there “Sorry Does it hurt?”

“A little, but I’h, just to ood”

My head falls back Shit Funny-sounding or not, anything that puts ht is probably a reason for at least one of her children to head to Florida “Does Willo?”

“Not yet She was my next call”