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Morgan Joesph Collinsworth was born on Saturday July 5th,1980 He was suppose to have been born in late June by he had a William stated to Allison’s family that he would have been even later but all of the fireworks sounded neat and he wanted to come and enjoy them but the frieworks was over a coupe of hours before he arrived Morgan had a head full of curly blonde hair and hazel eyes
When he was just a child he loved playing private detective He would watch old detective shows then tried to solve a cri He was on the hunt for thecat up in the attic and found his father’s old clue game with all of the pieces intact Fro the faotto take the game pieces William would take so much of it then he would yell by God can’t soly little brat Once he picked up Clarity and instead of showing affection to or for her he yelled at the nanny and told her from now on she was suppose tp spend faate up