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Blacke Harbor Lisa Adcock 3330K 2023-09-02

He nodded, trying to keep his iht of hi countertops with a wave of his arrandfather said I’ll be staying here on the island with you guys"

"We have a fully furnished hospital roo you would find at a hospital we have here"

Again Jurgis interrupted, turning around only long enough to make eye contact "Your privacy is second only to your safety as far as we’re concerned" He took a gnarled hand off the steering wheel andmotion in the air "We’re the only house on the island and we’re so far out here no one can just drop in without us knowing about it first"

"No one in toill ever know you were anything uest," said Catherine

Erik squinted to look at theinto vieeen the is’ head and then into the concerned eyes of Catherine He nodded a s why this queer little team chose to live and work out on the isolated island