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Flora’s stomach twitched, tears rolled over her cheeks as she tried to let go of Betty’s hand Betty’s grip was too tight, there was silence in the rooized
"All you ever cared about was dad’s money, I’ot a heart attack I always bla up foryou said" Flora turned her hard gaze to the lawyer "He even threw me out because you told him to I was your child for Pete’s sake, ould you treat e?" Flora tried to stand firm on her weak knees, she forced herself despite the fear and pain that overwhel
"I’ot intoyour random boyfriends over every time dad was on a business trip?" Flora and Betty stared at each other as coht "I would force myself to sleep with headphones locked up onyou to stop what you were doing I kept quiet not telling anyone your dirty secrets and when I finally did, you convinced dad to throw me out"