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"I don't know him," answered Carley "But I have a friend ith

hi narrow roole beds

down each side, a stove at each end, and a few chairs Each bed appeared

to have an occupant and those nearest Carley lay singularly quiet At

the far end of the rooes

on their beads, carrying their ars Their merry voices

contrasted discordantly with their sad appearance

Presently Carley stood beside a bed and looked down upon a gaunt,

haggard young man who lay propped up on pillows

"Rust--a lady to see you," announced the nurse

Carley had difficulty in introducing herself Had Glenn ever looked

like this? What a face! It's healed scar only emphasized the pallor

and furrows of pain that assuredly caht dark eyes, and a flush of fever in his hollow cheeks

"How do!" he said, with a wan smile "Who're you?"

"I' out her hand

"Say, I ought to've known you," he said, eagerly, and a warray shade of his face "You're the girl Carley! You're

alolly! You're soood