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"Quit your lying, Steve, you old war-horse You'd see it out, just like I'rinned, but continued to dispense good advice

"You ain't ai to mix with this whole blamed country, are you?"

The lea

"I've been called the scum o' the earth I've been kicked out of her house as a fellow not decent enough to ot a letter fro me to leave the country while I was still alive This Pesquiera is cauessed that"

"Guess nothing It's a cinch"

"What you going to do about it?"


"But if he lays for you"

"Good enough Let hi to show them who's the best e ready that will make Miss Valdés eat humble pie proper Yes, sir I''s settled"

"Then there ain't any use saying any un," testified his partner, with a grin "And I reckon I'll have to stay with you to pack you horeasers have shot you up"

"Don't you ever think it, Steve," caot a hunch this isin to win, old hoss"

"What's your first play, Dick?"

"I ot back here Wiredsuit at once, and to push it for all it orth"

"You can't settle it by the courts inside of a year, orto settle it by the courts All I want is they should know I've got them beat to a fare-ye-well in the courts Their lawyers will let thehty early, just as soon as they look the facts up There ain't any uess Miss Valdés knows that already, but I want her to know it good and sure Then I'll paddle my own canoe The law's only a bluff tofor that extra card for the looks of it, but my hand is full up without it"

"What's in your hand, anyhow, outside of your legal right? Looks to me they hold them all from ace down"