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Resurrection Leo Tolstoy 8770K 2023-09-02

But, as if to spite hith

After each witness had been exareat number of useless questions had been

put, with the usual air of importance, by the public prosecutor

and by both advocates, the president invited the jury to examine

the objects offered as material evidence They consisted of an

enor, which had evidently been worn on the first

finger, and a test tube in which the poison had been analysed

These things had seals and labels attached to thes, the

public prosecutor rose and demanded that before they did this the

results of the doctor's examination of the body should be read

The president, as hurrying the business through as fast as

he could in order to visit his Swiss friend, though he knew that

the reading of this paper could have no other effect than that of

producing weariness and putting off the dinner hour, and that the

public prosecutor wanted it read siht to demand it, had no option but to express his consent

The secretary got out the doctor's report and again began to read

in his weary lisping voice,no distinction between the

"r's" and "l's"

The external exaht was six feet five inches

"Not so bad, that A very good size," whispered the merchant,

with interest, into Nekhludoff's ear