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Resurrection Leo Tolstoy 11630K 2023-09-02

The next day the gay, handsome, and brilliant Schonbock joined

Nekhludoff at his aunts' house, and quite won their hearts by his

refined and aenerosity, and

his affection for Denerosity it rather

perplexed theave a rouble to

soave 15 roubles in tips

to the servants, and when Sophia Ivanovna's pet dog hurt his paw

and it bled, he tore his hemstitched cambric handkerchief into

strips (Sophia Ivanovna knew that such handkerchiefs cost at

least 15 roubles a dozen) and bandaged the dog's foot The old

ladies had never met people of this kind, and did not know that

Schonbock owed 200,000 roubles which he was never going to pay,

and that therefore 25 roubles more or less did not matter a bit

to him Schonbock stayed only one day, and he and Nekhludoff

both, left at night They could not stay away froer, for their leave was fully up

At the stage which Nekhludoff's selfishbut hi whether his

conduct, if found out, would be blamed much or at all, but he did

not consider what Katusha was now going through, and as

going to happen to her

He saw that Schonbock guessed his relations to her and this

flattered his vanity

"Ah, I see how it is you have taken such a sudden fancy to your

aunts that you have been living nearly a ith them,"

Schonbock remarked when he had seen Katusha "Well, I don't

wonder--should have done the sah it was a pity to go away before

having fully gratified the cravings of his love for her, yet the

absolute necessity of parting had its advantages because it put a