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"It's hard, my son, very hard But who knohat influences"

"Curse them! Curse the influences, whatever they were, which caused a

wife to betray her husband"

The Pope, as sitting with both hands on the knob of his stick,

quivered perceptibly "My son," he said, "you have ainsay you altogether But God rules His world

in righteousness, and if this had not happened, who knows but orse

ht have befallen you?"

"Nothing worse could have befallen me, your Holiness"

There was another moment of silence, and then the Pope said, "Yes, I

understand what it is to build one's faith on a human foundation The

foundation fails, and then the heart sinks, the soul totters But bad as

thisthis betrayal is, you do very wrong if you refuse to see that

it saved you from the consequences--the awful consequences before God

and man--of your intended conduct"

"What conduct, your Holiness?"

"The terrible conduct which for

to Rome"

"You meanwhat the newspapers talked about?"

The Pope bent his head

"A conspiracy to kill the King?"