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"Flown, no doubt," said the friar

"No See," said the Pope, and he brought up a little nest filled with a

ruin of fluff and feathers

"Meesh has been here indeed," said the friar

The venerable old men walked on in silence until they re-entered the

vaulted courtyards of the Vatican Then the Pope turned to the Capuchin

and said in a breaking voice, "You'll go with the poor lady to the

Procura in the istrates ask questions

which they should not ask, you will protect her, and even forbid her to

reply, and if she breaks down at the last moment you will support and

comfort her After thatwe must leave all to the Holy Spirit God's

hand is in this thingit is in everything He will bring out all

things well--well for us, well for the Church, well for the poor lady,

and even for her husband, whoever he may be"

"Whoever heof Holy Saturday, Roma was summoned as a witness

before the Penal Tribunal of Roistrate, required that she should present herself at the Procura at

ten o'clock the same day, "to depose about facts on which she would then

be interrogated," and she arned that if she did not appear, "she