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"Called in haste, not only to organise our Italian people for the
new crusade, but to coroups
of Frenchmen who, under different names, have the saists, Guesdists, and
Central Revolutionists, with their varying propaganda, co-operative,
trade-unionist, anti-semite, national, and I know not what--I had
almost despaired of any union of interests so pitifully subdivided
when the news of Bruno's death came like a trumpet-blast, and the
walls of the social Jericho fell before it Everybody feels that
the ht would be an
Italian reat
outrage on the spirit of Justice breaks down all barriers of race
and nationality
"God guide us now What did our Master say? 'The dagger of the
conspirator is never so terrible as when sharpened on the
tombstone of a martyr' With all the heat of my own blood I
tremble when I think whatclasses at home ash their hands of this
affair When a Minister wants to play Macbeth he has no lack of
grooms to dabble with Duncan's blood But the people will ive two straws for the life of the