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After various little sallies which es s moustache with a silk

handkerchief, and careater delinquents who, by their intelligence, had urged on the

ignorant crowd He was merely a silly and perhaps drunken person, who if

taken away from the wine-shop and put into uniform would make a valiant

soldier The creature was one of the hus of our curious species

His political faith was inscribed with one word only--Rossi He would

not ask for severe punish, but he would

request the court to consider the case as a ainst the dark if foolishthe people into opposition with their King, their

constitution, and the great heads of govern soldier sat down Then for the

first tied face isted

into an expression of conte of our

curious species," sitting in his prison clothes between the soldiers,

"Bruno Rocco, stand up," said the president "You are a Roman, aren't


"Yes, I am--I'm a Roman of Rome," said Bruno