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"Another thing You went aithout saying you forgive me for

the wicked duplicity I practised upon you It was very wrong, I

suppose, and yet for et up any real contrition

on the subject There's always sohter of Eve, and ityou to all the lengths

and ends of love, and drawing you on to loving lad

"I did love first, and, of course, I knew you fro in love with some one

else, I knew quite well you meant me But it was so delicious to

pretend not to know, to coain, to

touch and then to fly, to te tide rushed atin

your arht of the obstacles you urged

against our union I knew all the tih perhaps I am not in a position even yet to

realise how serious they reater still if we kept apart, and that gave e to

be bold and to defy conventions

"Which brings me to my last point, and please prepare to be