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Then stepping to the , "What a lovely view! The finest in Ro if it wasn't Donna

Roma I should certainly turn out my tenant and co I', and I've written to the Minister asking to be transferred to

Paris, and if somebody will only whisper a word for me Hoeet of

you! Adieu!"

Roainst the

person who had provoked it, when an unseen hand opened the door of a

roo-room, and the testy voice of her

aunt called to her fro toilet and was redolent

of scented soap, reclined in a white robe on a bed-sofa with a gilded

mirror on one side of her and a little shrine on the other Her bony

fingers were loaded with loose rings, and a rosary hung at her wrist A

cat was sitting at her feet, with a gold cross suspended from its


"Ah, is it you at last? You co whiht, and I

lay awake until after ht"

"I had a headache and went to bed," said Ro else, but nobody thinks of me," said the old