Page 15 (1/2)
"A great man, General, if half one hears about him is true"
"Great?" said the Aard him In the opinion of soreatesthi for Italy One of those co before them, so that when they speak even monarchs are
bound to obey That's one view of his picture, Sir Evelyn"
"And the other view?"
General Potter glanced in the direction of a door hung with curtains,
fro of voices, and
then he said: "A man of implacable temper and imperious soul, an infidel of hard and
cynical spirit, a sceptic and a tyrant"
"Which view do the people take?"
"Can you ask? The people hate him for the heavy burden of taxation with
which he is destroying the nation in his attey, and the Court, and the aristocracy?"
"The clergy fear him, the Court detests him, and the Roman aristocracy
are rancorously hostile"
"Yet he rules them all, nevertheless?"
"Yes, sir, with a rod of iron--people, Court, princes, Parlia